Join the industry-leading course

for burnt-out service-providers who are ready to leverage the power of 24/7 sales through an online shop

without adding even more to your already full plate.

discover what's inside


Christina has taught me how to package up my service-based business into a valuable product that is designed to convert.

- Ali hicks-wright

Christina's shop coaching programs have delivered excellence and exceeded my expectations the whole way through. 🙌🙌❤️

- Marielle

Christina told me to focus on the small victories. Tonight I was a guest on my first JV webinar and booked 5 discovery calls immediately from it 🙌 

- chelsea


The Complete Launch Your Shop Academy® curriculum

7 in-depth training modules with captioned video, transcripts, and audio lessons to learn in the style that suits you best. New content added each week to give you time to absorb and implement. 

My Perfect Launch Plan + Calendar

This launch plan lays out what to do, step-by-step to get your shop up and running with products. It even comes with different tracks to customize your launch to your personality, with recommendations based on your enneagram type! 

lifetime Access

All the time you need to go through what you’ve learned, apply it and make bank on your schedule.

Total Value: $2,500+

today's price: $1295

Or 4 Easy Monthly Payments of: $375

PAY-in-full BONUS

Pre-Sell It Like a Pro™: Want to know my secret to creating passive income without working 24/7 on offers that nobody wants? Pre-selling. I’ll show you the magic of preselling, how to set up your products this way, and how to wow customers when they are the first to hit BUY on that new offer. 


48-hour No-Hassle Refunds

Secure Purchase Promise

You have 48 hours to request a hassle-free refund for any reason. We treat you like we want to be treated! This means no scammy sales promises, tactics or locking you into something that’s not right for you.

Your order is processed through an encrypted payment processor. Your credit card information is not stored upon purchase.

It’s 3pm, and you still haven’t made any money yet today.

“Get on Instagram... ”
“Check your email…”  
“Listen to a podcast…” 

It feels comfortable to jump into busy work, just to feel like you did something today.

You know an online shop would take so much client pressure off you,

but you haven’t started it yet.

It’s killing you to see other people making bank at the beach while you’re still slaving away on proposals, collecting past due invoices and working up the courage (and the content) to go live.

You know passive shops are an amazing reality for the influencers you follow, but they must have husbands or something that floated them as they got started.

No one could possibly have the workload you do, keeping you stuck on client projects instead of finally getting your passive products up and selling… right?

It’s easier to believe these excuses than the truth:

you are fully capable of making sales in your sleep, but you’ve chosen not to so far.

This is coming from a former done-for-you slave to my clients, who thought the online marketing world was full of scammers and shit-grinning marketers until 2015. 

That was the year I sold my first digital download product on Etsy. Since then, I’ve watched product shops evolve from a waste of space to a full-blown business for myself and many of my clients.

sorry, babe.

You may have noticed that “shops” are the new “blog” tab in 2023.

But what are these people selling, and how?

→ “$50 for her products and she’s making 6-figures? She must have a HUGE audience!”

→ “I don’t know how I could live without my client income”

→ “I had an idea but someone else is already doing it”

→ “there’s nothing I can make that someone would possibly want”

Why does this look so effortless for other people?

The real answer? It isn’t.

On top of the internal pressure you’re feeling to launch a shop, you just saw an ad for your competition’s (you guessed it) new shop.

Maybe this isn’t the answer you want to hear, but this is coming from someone who spent 4 years building a shop that could finally support me, then two years scaling it to a place where it fully runs itself while grossing at least $50k a month.

Yeah, it's a lot of work to start, but you'll have more money than you know what to do with.

So what does simple look like?

Create an Asset that Sells 24/7 

So You Can Work When You Want To, Not When You Have To

I’m Ready to Launch My Shop!

Simple looks like:

→ dreaming up product ideas and selling them BEFORE you create them so you’re never creating things no one wants

→ setting up a shop you can handle, even if especially if you’re bad at tech

→ understanding where digital download products fit in to your customer’s journey, so you can sell more of them while making people happy (bye bye refund requests!)

→ making 4 passive product sales next month instead of an “all or nothing” mentality that says you have to sell 5876 products every day or else you’re a failure

→ trusting that launching a shop is only the beginning of many good things to come

The simplest way to do this is not alone, but with a proven gameplan and mentor who’s been in your shoes. 

I know what it’s like to work my ass off for weeks

only to make $100 (before taxes and costs).

Butttttt… I also now know what it’s like to be out running errands without a second thought about work, until I hear the “cha-ching” sound of a new sale coming in.

Launch Your Shop Academy® ensures your shop efforts are worth it. 

Because making just $100 sucks.

Passive shops don’t pop up out of nowhere and land in your lap. They’re born, in the Launch Your Shop Academy®. 

Grow your followers and influence based on happy customers, not vanity metrics

Give you power over your clients (you don’t need them anymore)

Put income in your hands

Here’s what your shop and products can do for you with the knowledge you learn in the LYS Academy:

Give you freedom to do anything you want-- grow your shop, let it run and pay you, start a second business, whatever you want because that shop can run without you!

If we haven’t met yet… I’m Christina Scalera

When I launched my first shop, I was in $73k of credit card debt. My family was embarrassed by my lack of a “real job.” The dozens of freebies I downloaded daily weren’t getting me any closer to the million-dollar lifestyle they all promised on their thank you page. 

I was sick of looking for fruitless answers, always thinking, “if I could just find out what she eats for breakfast, that’s the secret to success that will unlock doors for me,” or “if I create similar products to theirs, surely I’ll finally take off!”

No one’s breakfast reveal or products I emulated brought me any closer to my goals, though, because you can’t copy your way to success.

I spent months stuck and confused, not understanding where to start.

Where was this online income everyone was talking about? I couldn’t even convince two people to work with me, much less buy from me without days of networking and wooing them in person!

But in time, I did finally figure out what passive products to sell so that I could get hands-off sales not just a few times a month (like 2016 Christina), but a few times a DAY (like 2022 Christina).

2016 Christina would be totally fangirling me today.

Launching my shop allowed me to meet my greatest friends (who I’m proud to shout out because they are now HUGE industry power players- think Funnel Gorgeous, Topsie VandenBosch and Jenna Kutcher). I also did some really bucket list things, like:

bought an island home in Washington State

hire a dream team who runs my shop without me now-- a far cry from wearing all the hats myself not that long ago!

invest multiple 6-figures on coaches, education, masterminds and business learning

get featured on big stages, like Marketer’s Heart, Goal Digger, The Hill Creatives, Entrepreneur, Don’t Keep Your Day Job (the podcast and book!), The Connect Show (CW & Fox syndicated), Being Boss, The Unstoppable Entrepreneur and Cubicle to CEO

do a 4-day photoshoot in Arizona with my photographer

meet my future husband + actually have time to date him (we made it official June 2022!)

host 6+ luxury events or retreats to meet my clients IRL in places like Sonoma, Serenbe and the pink sugar beaches of Gulf Shores

and my ultimate bucket list dream from back in 2016… buy whatever the heck I want at Whole Foods

The ONE thing that changed ALL things?

Shops are the new blogs and digital download products are the next generation of courses. They’re just not saturated… yet.

When I think about where it all started, it was just one thing that meant the difference between where I am now, and where I could have been:

slogging it in corporate, dutifully paying off my debt in a dead-end relationship.

Launching my shop.

Meet the Program that Will Launch Your Shop and Change Your Life

An A-Z guide to get your passive shop set up, filled with bestselling products and launched to ravenous fans (even if you’re starting from scratch).

Did you just blush? Because I did 

Ready to Make Future-You the Happiest Person in the World, and Launch Your Shop?!

When you enroll today, here’s what you get:

The Complete Launch Your Shop Academy® curriculum

7 in-depth training modules with captioned video, transcripts, and audio lessons to learn in the style that suits you best. New content added each week to give you time to absorb and implement. (Value: $1779)

My Perfect Launch Plan + Calendar

This launch plan lays out what to do, step-by-step to get your shop up and running with products. It even comes with different tracks to customize your launch to your personality, with recommendations based on your enneagram type! (Value: $297)

lifetime access

Plenty of time to go through what you’ve learned, apply it and make bank, on your schedule.

Total Value: $2,500+

today's price: $1295

Or 4 Easy Monthly Payments of: $375

PAY-in-full BONUS

Pre-Sell It Like a Pro™: Want to know my secret to creating passive income without working 24/7 on offers that nobody wants? Pre-selling. I’ll show you the magic of preselling, how to set up your products this way, and how to wow customers when they are the first to hit BUY on that new offer.



Christina has taught me how to package up my service-based business into a valuable product that is designed to convert.

- Ali hicks-wright

Christina's shop coaching programs have delivered excellence and exceeded my expectations the whole way through. 🙌🙌❤️

- Marielle

Christina told me to focus on the small victories. Tonight I was a guest on my first JV webinar and booked 5 discovery calls immediately from it 🙌 

- chelsea



lifetime ACCESS



Enroll now for $375

Spread it out over 4 months

4 Monthly payments of $375

WHen you enroll today, here's what you get:

plus 3 additional monthly payments of $375

The Complete Launch Your Shop Academy

My Perfect Launch Launch Plan + Calendar

lifetime Access

special bonuses as you unlock your modules

PAY IN FULL BONUS: pre-sell it like a pro™

Enroll now for $1295

Pay in Full

one-time payment of $1295

Save 10% when you pay in full!

Imagine for a sec: It’s this time next year. 

You wake up well-rested before anyone else, even without an alarm clock. You don’t need one, because you’re no longer a slave to meetings and clients. In fact, you’re up early because you LOVE checking your overnight sales. You literally made money in your sleep.

And you can’t wait to do it all over again today. You make yourself a warm cup of your fav, and settle in for some quiet morning time. 

Every day feels spacious and exciting, and you finally have the whitespace in your life to come up with even bigger and better ideas that continue to fund your dream life, your retirement accounts and most importantly, easily wipes your Amex balance out reliably each month.

It feels so good to work when you want, on what you want.

What are you going to do with all your new free time?

“I should have done this years ago!” - Future You

This is what your post-Launch Your Shop Academy® life looks like.

I wish I’d done this years ago but today is second best!

“Okay, Christina, but can’t I just learn how to launch a shop on my own?”

Yeah, definitely. I did. 

But it took me four years to learn how to replace my salary with just the sales from my shop (remember-- I had to figure this out all by myself). 

Not to mention, if you could do this on your own, why haven’t you yet? 

You’re here because something isn’t working—whether it’s your mindset, or tech or products. LYSA is here to help you figure out the right way to approach all this, so you finally get out of your own way and start making passive sales.

“What if I launch my shop and no one buys?”

Yeah, that could happen.

But this mindset is also what’s keeping you stuck at 0 today. Some tough love? It’s easier for you to live with not even trying than it is to put yourself out there. Inside LYSA, you aren’t launching your shop alone, because you have me in your corner. I’ll show you how to baby-step your way to success so that you don’t have to worry about launching to crickets.

“I’m not 100% sure about my products so I’ll wait until that happens first.”

What I’ve seen often in my clients is that the breakthrough they're after is often the thing they’re actively avoiding. 

Perfect products are developed through sales and customer feedback; they don’t appear out of thin air as divinely inspired products no matter how many prayers, oracle cards or candles you light.

If you’re looking for a nudge that this is the right time to launch your shop, then consider the fact that you’re reading this a massive shove that you can’t ignore any longer.

“People will unsubscribe and unfollow me if I talk about my products, though!”

You’re not really scared of someone hovering over the “unsubscribe” button and pressing down. What you’re actually scared of is that you’re not a lovable person. Let me guess… you’re probably also the kind of person who can’t really enjoy it when things are going well, because you’re always waiting for the “other shoe to drop,” as the saying goes.

“I always run out of energy and motivation before I finish a project, so I have started a ton but never finish.”

Hiiiiii, it’s your ADHD friend Christina over here and I have a teeeensy weeensy bit of experience with this. Luckily, through my own self-coping behaviors + some scientifically backed strategies, we’re going to make sure you see your shop through from idea to execution. 

By the end of Launch Your Shop Academy®, you will…

have your shop up and running

enjoy proven strategies to get new customers

confidently share your freebie with the world to grow your list from anywhere

use my top-secret mindset tricks to overcome self-sabotage and doubt

know exactly what it takes to get legit so you never have to worry about the business police coming to shut you down

start making sales in your sleep

stop procrastinating and get the motivation you need to get shit done!

know exactly what your products need to have in order to sell without you actively selling

understand exactly what tech you need-- and what you can ditch-- that makes your life easier

find out what successful products all have in common, so you don’t waste your time creating crap that doesn’t sell

someday  today

You’ve waited long enough. 

You’re sick of watching other people on Instagram get paid well while it feels like you’re going nowhere.  

The only difference between them and you is that they took the first step.



Christina has taught me how to package up my service-based business into a valuable product that is designed to convert.

- Ali hicks-wright

Christina's shop coaching programs have delivered excellence and exceeded my expectations the whole way through. 🙌🙌❤️

- Marielle

Christina told me to focus on the small victories. Tonight I was a guest on my first JV webinar and booked 5 discovery calls immediately from it 🙌 

- chelsea

Here's what you'll learn


In the world of digital products, how you present your products (and your expertise) matters. This pre-work module is where the rubber meets the road — we’re going to work on defining your product, your shop brand, and how you can set yourself apart from the competition.

Foundations of Profitable, Passive Products

In this module, you’ll:

→ Define what makes a great product (and what to avoid)
→ Courses vs products. (courses can be done differently)
→ Define minimum viable product and show what that looks like
→ Define your market’s need then create the container
→ Understand the pros and cons of different platforms (ex: Shopify vs. Squarespace)

Module one

With the right brand, your shop will be hard to miss and even harder to forget. Build your brand the right way to set your shop apart, build your audience on autopilot and keep fans loyal for life.

Build Your Memorable Shop Brand

In this module, you’ll:

→ Find your customers first, and products second, so that you only create products your audience loves
→ Connect with your perfect person to identify their needs and dreams to eliminate your competition
→ Establish a brand voice that makes captions, content and product descriptions easier than lighting a candle with a flamethrower
→ Choose the colors, fonts and brand elements that make your shop YOU
→ Learn how to name + theme your shop so customers always think of you first

Module Two

Ready to get ahead of schedule, permanently? It’s important to map out the perfect plan for your shop’s success, and that starts at the heart of your store: your products. We’ll dive into what your lineup should look like, and how to quickly create them with my proven pre-made formula that practically makes the products for you.

Create Your Products

In this module, you’ll:

→ Discover the 3 must-have features that every best selling digital product has so you never create a dud that doesn’t sell
→ Find out how to repurpose what you’re already offering as a service into an on-demand digital download product
→ Name your products so everyone remembers them
→ Use my pre-made product template to quickly and easily set up your first successful products!

Module three

How do you create a shop that sells on autopilot? Quickly! Thanks to the lessons in this module. It’s so easy to get stuck in the things that don’t matter, like “where should I set up my shop?” and “what software should I use?” I’ve answered all those questions and then some so your shop is set up smoothly. your shop out there 

Launch Your Shop

In this module, you’ll:

→ Set up your shop on Squarespace or Shopify with easy-to-understand directions and themes that set you sailing instead of stressing you out
→ Map out your shop’s categories for a simple menu and lots of customer clicks
→ Learn the exact text your site needs, legally speaking, to stay out of internet jail
→ Get my foolproof launch plan that walks you through exactly how to plan your launch
→ Complete everything for your launch, just by finishing this module!
→ Feel excited about launching, instead of overwhelmed, by having a calendar and key dates all at your fingertips

Module Four

Without traffic, aka customers, your shop is dead on arrival! That’s why I’ll walk you through the best ways for you to reliably drive traffic to your products for everyday sales, even if you’re camera shy.

Best Traffic Strategies for New Shops

In this module, you’ll:

→ Learn my complete 8-step traffic system, with each source ranked based on your personality
→ Walk away with a plan that makes it easy for you to attract fresh new faces to your store
→ Learn how I maintain my shop’s 2500+ visitors per week with just two hours’ of content creation each month
→ Break free from trendy traffic sources like Facebook ads or TikTok, so you never feel the nagging pressure to jump on the latest platform before you’re ready or willing 

Module five

Does the thought of selling make you squirm? Do old platitudes like “selling is service” make you want to barf? Yeah, same. I’m sure you’ve been victim to some pretty shitty sales promises, and so have I. That’s why I crafted a bombproof customer experience for my shop that I’m sharing with you here.

Create a Customer Experience that CRUSHES!

In this module, you’ll:

→ Discover why I never feel guilty about selling, and why pitching my products never feels like a chore (even though I’m introverted AF)
→ Find out how I’ve built a loyal customer base around a boring, commodity product (legal templates) and how you can do the same, but with even more ease
→ Walk away with a perfect customer process that leads to lots of great reviews
→ Confidently know what to do when someone asks for a refund (it will happen, no matter how great your products are)
→ Learn my formula for gathering perfect testimonials

Module six

Most people think that to make more money, they need to sell more products. Unfortunately, this could really kill your shop sales because more products just means you’ll overwhelm your customers, and burn yourself out. There’s a better way to make more, and luckily it’s even less work!

Train Your Customer to Spend More

In this module, you’ll:

→ Learn why abandoned carts are an underrated asset in your shop
→ Discover my five tricks for increasing your customers’ average order value (AOV)
→ Understand exactly what you do and don’t need to include with your products to thrill your customers
→ Find out what bonuses you’ll need to make buying from your shop a no-brainer

Module Seven

Once your shop is launched, you’ll want those sales to keep rolling in effortlessly. More importantly, you’ll want to know how much to expect and when because what you measure, grows.

Schedule Predictable, Passive Sales

In this module, you’ll:

→ Know when to expect browsers to turn into buyers so you can easily plan your cashflow for big purchases and life upgrades
→ Have your own personal sales force in place, sans hiring or making a big tech investment
→ Turn into a full-blown big-girl business ready for what’s next now that your shop is getting you noticed!


Christina has taught me how to package up my service-based business into a valuable product that is designed to convert.

- Ali hicks-wright

Christina's shop coaching programs have delivered excellence and exceeded my expectations the whole way through. 🙌🙌❤️

- Marielle

Christina told me to focus on the small victories. Tonight I was a guest on my first JV webinar and booked 5 discovery calls immediately from it 🙌 

- chelsea

Frequently asked Q's

I saw you teach how to set up a shop on Squarespace or Shopify but I want to use Wix/WooCommerce/Etsy/etc. Can I still get value out of LYSA?


The shop setup lessons are only two quick ones out of dozens of other training sessions to help you set up and build your shop for a successful launch. You will still get immense value out of LYSA, and you might just decide to switch if you see how easy I make it for you on Squarespace or Shopify!

My shop already exists but sales are slow. Do I need LYSA?


You’re a better fit for our S4 system! Click here to learn more about it.

Will I get instant access to everything?


From experience, students have the most success when the content is dripped in regular intervals so there is time to absorb and implement. For that reason, trainings release each week.

How much of a time commitment is LYSA?


As much or as little as you make it. In the prework section, I show you easy, non-traditional ways to get through the curriculum. For example, when I join programs like this I love to listen to the calls on my daily walk with my dog as if each lesson is a podcast.

How much access to Christina will I have?


My team and I are happy to provide feedback or encouragement via email if you have a substantive question that comes up as you implement and execute through the modules. Additionally, if you want to add on a coaching experience with direct access to me, I have a special offer inside LYSA for you that you can’t find anywhere else.

I don’t have an audience yet, is LYSA a good fit for me?


You’re exactly who I created this beginner Academy for! I can’t wait to show you how to get your shop + products out into the world, while building an audience in the process. You will get a lot of value out of Module 7 if you’re looking to grow an audience.

What is your refund policy?


You have 48 hours from your initial purchase to ask for a refund for any reason, without hassle. I respect your investment, and if Launch Your Shop Academy is not the best fit for you, there’s no risk to you to cancel. 

When I say no hassle, I mean it. I don’t believe in “show your work” or other patronizing requests. If you want out, I’m not going to make you jump through hoops because you have better things to do with your time than fill out annoying forms.

How long do I have access to the course?


You have lifetime access to LYSA and its bonuses!

Results are not typical. I cannot guarantee any kind of outcome through your purchase of this program. That being said, I understand what it feels like to invest in something and not get the results you were hoping for. It’s why I’ve crafted this program to support you, and I deeply value your feedback (good or bad-- as long as you remain constructive). It’s also why I give you 48 hours to check it out and make sure it’s a good fit. If you have any questions about this sales page or program, you can email my team at
